Principal Message

Dear Parents/Guardians, At KRIS, we provide a comprehensive education to students, keeping in view the country's rich cultural heritage & cultural background while inculcating a scientific temperament, thus opening vistas for multifaceted development of the child's personality. We are aware of the need to provide a fabric for inculcation of food habits and moral values, besides academic excellence and intellectual development. We emphasize on instilling in our students positive attitude, absolute values, team spirit, self respect, punctuality and above all a sense of compassion for fellow human beings. We strongly believe that education is a tri polar process where there is an equal participation of the school, students & parents. A continuous interaction among all three is the key to good education & holistic development of the students. So, let's be the force behind their growth & let's guide their way ahead to provide the children the conducive atmosphere, right guidance and emotional support to encourage them to be the ideal citizens of our society.
