Students and staff grow together as they experience our unique location and the diverse cultures and gifts of our community. Teaching and learning at kris encourages an attitude of open enquiry which lasts a lifetime.

At the kris, we believe that every child is unique and we nurture that uniqueness – through a stimulating environment that breeds curiosity, freedom and encouragement to pursue passion,

practice of self-reflection to know where their sense of meaning and mastery comes from, and a plethora of opportunities leads to acquisition of skills and capacities to fulfil that dream and also to flourish in this constantly emerging interconnected world.

The future we envision for each child is of her becoming a conscientious world citizen, a learner for life and a creative, connected and collaborative problem solver through the language and nuances of different subjects integrated together and through the context of real world interests, needs and challenges.

The School is justifiably proud of a spacious, very well stocked, open-shelf library cum resource centre designed to encourage students to develop an interest in a variety of subjects, and to allow them the facility of research and indepth study. State-of-the-art, well equipped laboratories provide excellent facilities in Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Computer Science, Mathematics, Social studies language, Music, Art & Mass Media. Computer Science is compulsory up to Class VIII and is offered both as a subject and as a co-curricular activity thereafter. There is great emphasis on project work and students are encouraged to use the library and carry out reference work. Independent thinking and learning through discussions and group activities is encouraged.

The School is justifiably proud of a spacious, very well stocked, open-shelf library cum resource centre designed to encourage girls to develop an interest in a variety of subjects, and to allow them the facility of research and indepth study. State-of-the-art, well equipped laboratories provide excellent facilities in Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Computer Science, Mathematics, History, Geography and Home Science. Computer Science is compulsory up to Class VIII and is offered both as a subject and as a co-curricular activity thereafter. There is great emphasis on project work and students are encouraged to use the library and carry out reference work. Independent thinking and learning through discussions and group activities is encouraged.